Tuesday 26 February 2013

My very first wedding shoot!

You may or may not have noticed a severe lack of activity on this here blog, the reason being that my second hand motherboard finally died :( . That combined with being unusually busy has meant my poor little blog has been gently nudged to the side. But I'm back and I come baring wedding photos!!!
I mentioned in my last few posts that I would be shooting my very first wedding, well the day finally came!
Jason & Christina's wedding was beautiful, you could definitely feel the love and it was a pleasure to shoot ^_^ .
I think I did rather well for my very first wedding shoot but I'll let you be the judge.
So here are my favorite "artsy" shots from the day.

 There you have it! What did you think? The rest of the shots will be uploaded to www.facebook.com/pennylanephotography13 after the lovely couple has had a chance to go over them all ^_^ .
I will be back to doing weekly posts, technology permitting, so stay tuned.
This weekend I'm off to Melbourne for Soundwave, I can't bring my DSLR with me :( but I promise I will have some awesome photos to share with y'all.
As always stay safe and thank you so much for reading/viewing...